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What I can do for you ...

How Biokinetics can help YOU

A deep-dive into the specifics... These are the main or most common conditions that Biokinetics can help treat and manage. There are more, please message me if you are unsure or cannot find your condition in this section. 

Leg Injury, Knee pain, Biokinetics session

Orthopeadic Rehabilitation

Assessing and treating patients with injuries and conditions that affect the bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints and connective tissue. Orthopaedic Rehab can help with who have undergone surgery or are struggling with 

Orthopedic Rehabilitation is advisable following an injury or sports trauma to help you recover your strength and endurance to return to your previous level of performance. This treatment would be your final phase of rehabilitation following your treatment with a physiotherapist. 

As a Biokineticist I can treat the following (these are but a few): 

  • Neck Pain and Stiffness

  • Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)

  • TMJ/Jaw Pain

  • Low Back Pain

  • Spine Surgery Fusions

  • Herniated Discs

  • Sciatica

  • Frozen Shoulder / Shoulder Impingement /Rotator Cuff Injuries

  • Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow / Carpal Tunnel Wrist and Finger Pain Hip and Knee Replacements Labral Tears ACL Reconstruction Meniscal Repair Foot and Ankle Pain Ankle Sprains Plantar Fasciitis


Preoperative and Postoperative Rehabilitation

Are you about to undergo surgery or are currently recovering from an operation? 

I am here to make that journey successful. 

Preoperative Rehabilitation: Helping your body get ready for surgery and minimise chances and severity of complications, and furthermore reduces the recovery time after the operation. 

Post-operative rehabilitation: After surgery and your time with your physiotherapist is where I can come and help  re-establish joint range of movement, muscular strength and optimal health. The program is specific to the operation that has been performed, and tailored to you and your needs & goals.

Image by Victoire Joncheray

Sports-specific Conditioning

Training for a Marathon, Triathlon, or something a bit more adventurous such as a Paragliding competition? Want to be a better Rock Climber? Or perhaps you are recovering from a sport-related injury? 

I've got you covered. 

The objective of a sport specific conditioning program is to achieve sport specific fitness, specific anaerobic and aerobic fitness and general athletic fitness.

Benefits of a sport specific conditioning program: Improved performance  Increase in self-confidence to return to sport  Decrease risk of injury  Increase strength and technique

The main aim of sport specific conditioning is to obtain optimum athletic fitness related to a specific sport. The program will include sport specific movements, skills and techniques found in the individual’s sport to ensure that the correct muscular and metabolic demands are met to ensure a safe return to sport or an improved sport performance.

Image by Sangharsh Lohakare

Geneway Analysis


Hosted by Geneway institute

I am certified to analyse and interpret the results from a Sport genetics test.Thereafter I am able to design an exercise program based off the genetic test that will allow the individual to improve performance and training results.

An individual will be required to do a GenewaySport genetic test. Once the client receives the test results, these will be interpreted by myself to determine the type of exercise program the individual or athlete should follow to ensure optimal results are achieved.

The test shows an individual’s energy source, response to caffeine, risk for inflammation and injury, oxidative stress ability, muscle and bone composition, endurance and power potential and susceptibility to injury and recovery time.

This type of test can be done for an athlete who wants to improve their performance, an individual who feels that they have reached a training plateau or simply an individual who is curious about their training genetics.

Orange Capsules

Chronic Disease and Disability management

Involves ongoing care and support to assist individuals to manage a chronic disease or disability that requires an individual to change their lifestyle and manage it on a day to day basis. Disability management also includes individuals that have a physical or mental impairment.

Lets have a closer look at Chronic Conditions:

A chronic condition is a health condition that presents with time or has long lasting effects. The term chronic is applied to a condition that lasts longer than three months and requires ongoing medical attention and may limit activities of daily living, if not both. Major chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. Chronic diseases cannot be cured by medication;

but the good news is that they can be prevented from progressing and managed with physical activity. The main aim of chronic disease management is to improve overall health, fitness and quality of life.

Chronic Conditions that can be managed through Biokinetics:

  • Diabetes Mellitus 

  • Cancer 

  • Hypercholesterolemia 

  • Hypertension 

  • Rheumatiod arthritis 

  • Osteoporosis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Metabolic Syndrome 

  • Obesity

  • Chronic Pain Syndrome 

  • Over-training 

  • Muscular Dystrophy 

  • Gillian Barre Syndrome 

          and many more...

Lets have a closer look at Disabilities:

A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movement, senses or activities such as blindness, deafness, having an amputation or being a paraplegic. Having a disability can be incredibly challenging,  but there is no reason why that should hinder progress, stifle fitness goals and get in the way of improving quality of life.  A Biokineticist is a qualified healthcare professional that can assist. Each treatment session takes the individual's disability and capabilities into consideration. For example: an individual who is blind can still perform exercises with additional assistance, proper explanation and under trained supervision. 

Biokinetics can help improve quality of life for the following disabilities:

  • Amputation 

  • Paraplegic

  • Blindness

  • Deafness 

  • Autism

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • and more...


Falls are the most common cause of injuries in people over the age of 65 years.

An assessment is helpful as it focuses on muscle imbalances and highlights fall risk in the elderly population. The aim of the program is to improve balance, reduce the risk of falls and improve quality of life.

Pregnant Woman Working Out

Pre - and Postnatal Training

Exercise is important during this time to improve or stay fit for both mom and baby. Performing the correct exercises during each trimester is important to ensure mom and baby are safe. The main aim of the program is to reduce the risk of lower back pain, prepare the body for delivery and improve overall
fitness levels, in a safe manner.
Once medical clearance has been given by the Gynaecologist, the post-partum program focuses on improving pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, increasing upper body strength for looking after baby and help to regain the pre-pregnancy fitness.

Not sure if Biokinetics could help YOU? 
Ask me about it. 

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